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David Mackay

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David Mackay (born 1933) is a British architect, active in Spain and largely responsible for the renovation of the port area of Barcelona and the construction of the Olympic Village there in 1992.[1]

Since 2003 he has been the lead architect for "A Vision for Plymouth", otherwise known as the "Mackay Vision", which is a major plan for the renovation of the city of Plymouth, England.[2] The plan will involve demolition of the Plymouth Pavilions entertainment arena.[3]


  1. "60 seconds with...David Mackay, MBM Arquitectes", Building Design, 2007-10-12. Retrieved 2007-11-05.
  2. "A Vision for Plymouth", Plymouth City Council website. Retrieved 2007-11-05.
  3. "A vision for Plymouth" BBC Devon, November 2003. Accessed 2007-11-05.
Mackay, David}}


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Alberto Mengual

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